
Chorinho em Vôo Três (Expanded Version) — NEW
for clarinet protagonist, Big Band, & medium-high voice
Clarinet (in Bb or C) Feature
May 2022
12min 48sec
Unique ID#
5 (Advanced)
cl. solo / 2(I=pic., opt. fl.)(II=fl.).2(I=ob., opt. cl.)(II=cl.).1(I=bs. cl.) / 4 / 3.1 / vox. (mezzo-sop.) / rtm. (+pnd.) (+gtr.)
A little clarinetinho goes on the first part of a long adventure.
This is the third version of a Chorinho I wrote for the Fishbeyn-Buonaspina Composition Collective, which began in September 2021. It is a fun but severely demanding out-of-band feature for Bb (or C) Clarinet that falls within an intricate treatment of a traditional rondo-esque form, common in Brazilian Choro music.
A full clarinet "protagonist" feature is the true center of the work, who is introduced almost exactly 33% into the form. This piece, set in tone and vibe as an academic study on Choro, is structurally similar to that of a first-movement in a larger set of works — therefore, the most important element in this piece is indisputably its treatment of structure, and specifically the growth over a huge sea of stoic "groove" and textures, throughout a form to its apex[es]. The overarching "form" of the "lead sheet" of this 13-minute Chorinho extravaganza is a giant ABAC; whereas the intros, interludes, and outros are considered greatly in this overall form as well, this renders the form of the ENTIRE piece (including intro, interlude, and outro now as "A") a true "Rondo" as ABABCA. The final "C" section differs completely from its previous sections, voyaging the clarinet into unfamiliar territory, yet utilizing familiar rhythmic subdivision and motives to drive the work from beginning to end.
It is imperative that the clarinet soloist for this work is chosen very carefully and is made aware of the license they are given to elevate the work, particularly to its full, structural potential.
Full Audio
Recorded by Bryan Cowan; Fishbeyn-Buonaspina Composition Collective