
Conflict Resolution
for Ewi, four reeds, & rhythm section
Solos: Piano, Ewi, Drums
Sep 2019
11min 46sec
Unique ID#
5 (Advanced)
ewi / 4(I, II dbl. fl)(III, IV dbl. cl.) / rtm.
"Conflict Resolution" is a high-velocity, high-stakes through-composed adventure that is suited to very specific personnel. Bookended by very verbose woodwind-heavy/four-clarinet extravaganzas, an EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument) protagonist emerges into the polytonal hellscape only several minutes (and grooves) into the work. "Conflict Resolution" represents a time in my life, towards the end of my time at MSM, where I was philosophically embedded in the idea of challenging players by controlling complex harmonic decisions that they were to interpret in real-time.
Full Audio
As played at the MSM Chamber Jazz Composers' Showcase, Oct 2019
Notable Performances
Score Study